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Whether you're perfecting the technique of spherification or looking to improve your food storage methods, having the right equipment is essential for your culinary journey. The Eines pack offers all the tools necessary for spherification, including a syringe for crafting delicate spheres and a slotted spoon for effortlessly retrieving them, ensuring precision and elegance in your dishes. Additionally, Silicasec anti-moisture tablets keep your ingredients fresh, dry, and safely stored, allowing you to achieve optimal results.

Tools for Spherification

Spherification requires a specific technique and therefore unique tools have been created to help with every step of the process. The Eines pack contains the most useful tools for each step in the spherification process which allows you to make different spherical creations. 

Eines includes:

  • Syringe - to create tiny spherical orbs like caviar, use this syringe to drip droplets of base liquid into the bath solution. 
  • Slotted Spoon - This perforated spoon is used to harvest the spheres from the bath solution, draining off all the liquid in the process. Its holes are suitable for collecting all kinds of spherical creations, from ravioli to spherified caviar. 
  • Dosing Spoons - One dose equals one level scoop. The equivalent dose in grams for each of the products is provided on the side.